Welcome to The Waste Group Services Ltd.
The Waste Group Services Ltd. is a nationwide supplier of equipment and services to the Waste Management & Waste Processing Industry. Our diverse client base ranges from large shopping centres, hospitals, managing agents and industrial complexes to individual shops, hotels and gardens centres to name but a few. Within the group we offer a wide range of services to encompass all aspects of Waste Management & Processing with each individual division being specialists in its own field.
Waste Equipment Services provides equipment, servicing, breakdown and repair, consumables and product training for all equipment whether installed by us or already in service.
Waste Training Solutions is our division totally dedicated to training. This is training for waste industry professionals by waste industry professional with most of our courses being Accredited & CPD Certified.
Waste Collecting Services provides a Waste Collecting service independent from any individual waste carrier, this allows us to be impartial and achieve the best rates based solely on service and reliability.
The Waste Group Services Ltd. - Mission Statement:
The Waste Group Services Ltd. is a company supplying equipment and various services to the Waste Management and Waste Processing industry through divisions covering equipment, training & waste collections. As a group and across all our divisions our reputation for integrity in business is very important to us and as such we will always strive to;
- Offer excellent levels of service, client care and attention to detail.
- Provide unambiguous and transparent financial agreements for any equipment or service we provide at a fair, reasonable and competitive price.
- Offer unbiased and professional advice based on our own joint experience and always with the best intentions to supply ethical, sustainable and environmentally sound solutions to Waste Management and Processing requirements in commercial applications.

Supplying equipment & associated services to clients for Waste Management and Processing to include direct sales and rental, servicing, repair & breakdown and emergency call-out.
Supply of Waste Processing essentials and consumables to cover all aspects and all waste streams from bins & bale wire to PPE, clothing, general accessories, Health & Safety compliance requirements etc., in fact all you will require to run a smooth and efficient waste processing operation.

Waste Training Solutions is our division specialising in all aspects of training for the Waste Management & Waste Processing industry. This is comprehensive, far reaching, specialist training for waste industry professionals by waste industry professionals. Most of our courses are Accredited & CPD Certified and cover subjects ranging from equipment courses & manual handling right through to specialist compliance training, PUWER & our 'Waste Champion' Course.

One of the recurring problems within Waste Processing and recycling is obtaining a reliable, efficient and cost effective carrier to handle waste collections. Our service allows you to take a step back from the day to day issues of managing your collections and provides an unbiased approach which is totally independent from the ties of any individual carrier.
This ensures you receive the service you require, at a fair price, but without spending your valuable time achieving it.
The Waste Group Services
0330 223 0895
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